Are you kicking yourself for going back to your ex for the second, third, or 27th time?
Did your relationship blow up in a passionate fury, with you making a promise to yourself that you would never go back, only to have some time go by reminding you of how alone you are and how much you miss his sweet texts and Sunday morning pancakes?
And did he come back with that sweet pouty face you love, full of I’m sorrys and I-won’t-hurt-you agains, promising you that THIS TIME he’s changed and he knows he can be the man you deserve?
Girl, I see you. I’ve been there.
I know you see the best in him, and want so badly for his promises to become reality. I know you're committed to making it work and you want to have the happily ever after.
This dizzying cycle of going back to an ex that you know isn’t serving you time and time again feels like a crazy-making addiction that you just can’t kick.
If you feel like you have your shit together in most areas of your life, but his man is your kryptonite, please come hang in this masterclass.
After this masterclass, you will:
Understand WHY you know you shouldn’t go back but you keep getting sucked back into him
Gain clarity around how to let go of this vom-inducing merry-go-round and begin to heal your heart so you can spend your energy finding healthy love
Be able to ask yourself the 3 vital questions that will help you to begin to let go of his potential so you can confidently be free
Like magic, just enter your email and viola! The masterclass is yours.

Are you kicking yourself for going back to your ex for the second, third, or 27th time?
Did your relationship blow up in a passionate fury, with you making a promise to yourself that you would never go back, only to have some time go by reminding you of how alone you are and how much you miss his sweet texts and Sunday morning pancakes?
And did he come back with that sweet pouty face you love, full of I’m sorrys and I-won’t-hurt-you agains, promising you that THIS TIME he’s changed and he knows he can be the man you deserve?
Girl, I see you. I’ve been there.
I know you see the best in him, and want so badly for his promises to become reality. I know you're committed to making it work and you want to have the happily ever after.
This dizzying cycle of going back to an ex that you know isn’t serving you time and time again feels like a crazy-making addiction that you just can’t kick.
If you feel like you have your shit together in most areas of your life, but his man is your kryptonite, please come hang in this masterclass.
After this masterclass, you will:
Understand WHY you know you shouldn’t go back but you keep getting sucked back into him
Gain clarity around how to let go of this vom-inducing merry-go-round and begin to heal your heart so you can spend your energy finding healthy love
Be able to ask yourself the 3 vital questions that will help you to begin to let go of his potential so you can confidently be free
Like magic, just enter your email and viola! The masterclass is yours.